A Scottish Storyteller

Storytelling at Open Air In The Square

The Stonehaven Fireballs are my favourite Hogmanay event up here in Aberdeenshire.  In fact, I've blogged about them in the past - http://ascottishstoryteller.blogspot.com/2008/11/fire-festivals.html

Well, we're just a few days away from Hogmanay now (that's New Years Eve for those of you unaquint with the name!)  and I'm very pleased to say I'm going to be storytelling at Open Air In The Square on Friday night. I've got a good selection of traditional stories and some new New Years stories I'm just bursting to tell!

Open Air In The Square runs alongside the Stonehaven Fireballs and will be providing entertainment for all ages from 8pm until the wee hours.  Have a look at their web page for more details - http://www.openairinthesquare.co.uk/

 (OK, not as impressive as the fireballs, but here's my attempt at bringing in the New Year in an appropriate way last year! There were more impressive moves, but these ones looked like 10 and 11, so I thought they were appropriate!)

1 Responses to “Storytelling at Open Air In The Square”

  1. # Blogger Fiona-Jane Brown

    good for you, Poz - looks like I'm going nowhere this Hogmanay, flu so bad it's probably swine flu!! But hey, ya never know I might be able to VISIT you at Glasto, takes a wee while to get there from Pompey, but not as long as it would take you!  

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