The Northern Lights - AT LAST! :)

Here I go again... getting carried away. This was supposed to be a blog for stories I'd found or had written. Not for my little distractions! But oooh I'm just so excited! Just to explain - I'm offshore at the moment... We were just coming up for tea and I was looking for an excuse not to go all the way up the stairs in one go - these ones are STEEP! So we stopped half way and I was asking "What's that rig? Is that a drilling rig? What do you think that is?" and was pointing to the horizon and all the installations you can see on a clear night when it's as dark as it is outside right now! Then i spotted some faint green streaks. "And what on earth is THAT all about? What's going on there?" My workmate goes "That... Would be the Northern Lights" So that was enough to get me bounding up the rest of the stairs so I could get a better look (without some big pipe obscuring my view). They weren't the most impressive Northern Lights in...